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Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti

PhD Cognitive Psychology  

I am associate professor (lecture/Maître de Conférence) at the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) in the Department of Psychology. I carry out my research activity at the Psychology and NeuroCognition  Lab (LPNC). Since October 2018 I am a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).


Language Interaction NetworK (2).png
Language skills require anatomo-functional interactions with others cognitive functions such as perception and action, executive process, social cognition and memory. A current challenge for cognitive neuroscience is to better understand these interactions between cognitive domains and take advantage of this knowledge in clinical neurorehabilitation to improve language abilities. Accumulated behavioural and neuroimage evidence suggests that linguistic information processing could be shared within a larger machinery which encompasses other cognitive functions. 

My scientific project (LINK project) aims to perform a fine-grained characterization of the interaction between the specialized or canonical language network and three others cognitive systems: motor-action, executive function and the mentalizing systems.

To evaluate these interactions, I address four main questions: How each cognitive ability (supported by each of these cognitive systems interacts with the language system? Where do these interactions take place? (in terms of brain substrate) When do they occurs in terms of brain dynamics? Which are the neural structures previously delineated, in which causal links with language performances are observed (opening new windows for a more applied research).

To do this, an interdisciplinary approach is adopted, constructing and evaluating a set of cognitive tasks and using different behavioural and neuroimaging methods (e.g., eye-tracker, functional neuroimaging: -fMR-, neurophysiology -iEEG- and neurostimulation -TMS-).
We expected to provide an integrative neurocognitive model of language and open new windows for language rehabilitation.

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